Tropical days, Scouser nights

Having just completed the Diploma in Tropical Medicine at Liverpool University I wanted to take this opportunity to praise the experience!

Sadly my website was down during the course due to sever issues, hence no blogs at that time.

I have to say it was the most enjoyable 3 months of my career as a doctor thus far. The most exhilarating feature was simply being surrounded my like minded people…people who believe in social justice and a sense of duty to give back to global society through improving health & development šŸ™‚

One of the first moments I realised the presence of this common understanding was on discussing my career plans with one of our senior lecturers. Throughout my medical career whenever I discussed taking time out of uk training to devote myself to resource poor settings I was frequently met with scoffs, sighs and scorn…at best tolerance and at worst derision!

How refreshing then it was to find a place where my ideas and ambitions were not only appreciated, but encouraged and praised! How wonderful to feel at last that I wasn’t mad and throwing away my career but taking a recognised and well travelled path to a fulfilling and meaningful medical life!

So thank you to all my beautiful friends from DTMH class spring 2012 and all our inspiring and insightful lecturers!

I will write more on the course itself at some point, but for now let me just say for anyone who is interested in global health and development then this is most definitely the course for you!

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