Category: Soul Food

A man’s world? 

“Has your husband beaten you before?” I wait patiently for the nurse to translate my question and her subsequent reply in Rukiga. I already know the answer, I can see it in her downcast furtive gaze. “Yes” “How often?” “Every time he drinks alcohol” “How often does he drink alcohol?” “Every day” This tiny woman, …

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Doctors in the Mist

Wanted: GPs for Remote Rural Hospital in Uganda…  Living in Liverpool and Sheffield, never having met, we were two recently qualified GPs, already feeling jaded with clinical practice in the UK. We were both searching to find an overseas long term placement that would allow us to combine direct clinical care with capacity building for …

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The ebb and flow 

When I was an undergraduate student I spent most of my university breaks in Zambia, setting up our SKIP project there. People used to ask me what the difference was between life in UK and life in Zambia and why I was so enamoured with it.  My response invariably went something like this… In the …

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